Below CIGRE USNC members can find answers to various questions they may have regarding membership or their member benefits.
If you do not find your answers here, please contact Sharon Loe for further inquiries.
How do I setup an account?
Up to 50 employees can set up accounts using the company membership number and their own email address. Individual members are also provided complimentary access.
To access E-CIGRE, you will need to supply your email and member/collective number while creating a new account.
If you do not know your collective number, please contact Sharon Loe at the United States National Committee office. If you are an individual member, please check your profile on CIGRE USNC’S Memberclicks Database for your membership number.
Where can my co-worker join CIGRE USNC?
New members can join using this link.
Did I pay my 2024 membership dues?
Your membership information and payment status can be found under your profile on CIGRE USNC’S Memberclicks Database, our organization’s membership system.
To find your profile, visit and log on to your account when prompted.
Your payment status can be found at the “MY PROFILE” link, provided on the member landing page.
How do I change my address, email, phone number, etc.?
Personal info can be edited at your profile on CIGRE USNC’S Memberclicks Database.
How do I find my CIGRE membership number?
You can find your membership number on your profile at
Should you have any other problems, please email