Working Groups

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If you are interested in participating in one or more of the working groups, please send your name, email address, and a current CV to John McDonald at The working groups will be staffed quickly so your prompt response will be necessary.

Working group members should have their company support and be current CIGRÉ members with their current dues paid.

The final choice of members is the responsibility of CIGRE technical officers and the study committee chair and working group convener. The U.S. National Committee can only make a recommendation.

List of Active Working Groups

Posted February 4, 2025

JWG number: A3/D2.52
Name of Convener: Mantilla Javier (SWITZERLAND)
Title: Application of Digital Twin in Switchgear

WG number: B5.87
Name of Convener: Zhao Xicai (CHINA)
Title: Digital Transformation of Protection, Automation and Control Systems: Expanding IEC

Posted January 13, 2025

JWG number: A2/C4/D1.77
Name of Convener: Jurisic Bruno (CROATIA)
Title: Design of Transformers for Very Fast Transient Overvoltages

WG number: B5.88
Name of Convener: Patriota de Siqueira lony (BRAZIL)
Title: Implementation Guide for Fully Digital IEC 61850-based Protection, Automation and Control Systems

WG number: C5.41
Name of Convener: Poupart Xavier (FRANCE)
Title: Regulation and Market Design to Foster Decarbonation through Industry Electrification

WG number: D2.63
Name of Convener: Junho Hong Junho (USA)
Title: Inter-Control Center Communications Protocol (ICCP) Security and Resilience for Grid Reliability

Posted December 17, 2024

WG number: D2.60
Name of Convener: Bubnov Yury (PORTUGAL)
Title: Consumer-side Digital Models and Twins Application

Posted November 29, 2024

WG number: A2.76
Name of Convener: Dastous Jean-Bernard (CANADA)
Title: Power Transformer Passive Protection Against Internal Arcing Faults

Posted November 19, 2024

WG number: C5.40
Name of Convener: Viana Alexandre (BRAZIL)
Title: Framework for Retail Competition in Electricity Markets

Posted November 16, 2024

WG number: A2.75
Name of Convener: Mtetwa Sidwell (South Africa)
Title: Tap Changer Specification, Condition Assessment, Testing and Maintenance Guidelines

WG number: B1.95
Name of Convener: Olsen Soren (Denmark)
Title: Mechanical Performance and Limits of Submarine Power Cable Systems

WG number: C5-39
Name of Convener: Nath Shaw Rabindra (Australia)
Title: Regulatory Frameworks and Market Integration for Assets under Non-Firm Grid Connection

Posted October 3, 2024

WG number: D2.61
Name of Convener: Anton Merkulov (Kazakhstan)
Title: High Voltage Power Line Carrier Communications Current State and Future Application

Posted September 5, 2024

WG number: D2.59
Name of Convener: Kunlun GAO (China)
Title: Intelligent Computing for Power Industry

Posted August 20, 2024

WG number: B5.86
Name of Convener: Alex Apostolov (US)
Title: Protection Automation and Control System Interfaced Asset Management and Condition Monitoring Using Innovative Technologies

JWG number: A2/D1.74
Name of Convener: Senja Leivo (Finland)
Title: Online Moisture Monitoring of Transformers for Ageing Assessment

Posted August 14, 2024

WG number: C1-C5.53
Name of Convener: Haiwang Zhong (China)
Title: Assessment of System reserves and flexibility needs in the power systems of the future

WG number: C1.54
Name of Convener: Jana Breedit (South Africa)
Title: Forecasting of demand combined with Distributed Energy Resources penetration driven by consumer behaviour and regulatory schemes influenced by market signals

Posted August 7, 2024

WG number: B3.68
Name of Convener: Simon Waddington (UK)
Title: Experience of Offshore Substation (OSS) Operation and Maintenance

Posted July 2, 2024

WG number: D1.82
Name of Convener: Thomas ANDRITSCH (UK)
Title: Additive Manufacturing/3D Printing in Service of the Electrical Power Industry

Posted June 13, 2024

WG number: A2.73
Name of Convener: Carl Wolmarans (South Africa)
Title: Enhancing the Exchange of Transformer Information through Digitalisation

WG number: C3.25
Name of Convener: Michael Gatzsche (Switzerland)
Title: Ecodesign Methods for the Power System

Posted June 7, 2024

WG number: B5.46
Name of Convener: Emil Hillberg (SWEDEN)
Title: System Integrity Protection Schemes and the (N-1) Criteria

Posted May 24, 2024

WG number: B4.104
Name of Convener: Dr. eng. Arkadiusz BUREK (Sweden)
Title: HVDC Digital Twin – concepts and roadmap

Posted May 15, 2024

WG number: B4/C4.103
Name of Convener: Hiranya Suriyaarachchi (CANADA)
Title: AC Network Equivalents for HVDC and FACTS Project Studies

WG number: C4.77
Name of Convener: Babak Badrzadeh (AUSTRALIA)
Title: Best practices for individual and collective conformity assessment of inverter-based resources during their lifetime

Posted April 24, 2024

WG number: B2.94
Name of Convener: Baptiste GARY (France)
Title: Inspection after installation, maintenance and end of life of high temperature conductors and fittings

WG number: B2.95
Name of Convener: Asif BHANGOR (Australia)
Title: Impact of extreme weather events under climate change on high voltage overhead line design standards

Posted March 22, 2024

WG number: B5.85
Name of Convener: Andreas Gehm (DE)
Title: Protection, Control and Supervision Principles of “Grid Stabilizing Generation”

Posted March 11, 2024

WG number: B5.84
Name of Convener: David Macdonald (GB)
Title: Recommendations and constraints for development and interfacing of virtual Intelligent Electronic Device implemented in Protection, Automation and Control Systems

WG number: B2.92
Name of Convener: Hugo Valente (Portugal)
Title: Update on Overhead Transmission Lines Construction Methodologies

WG number: B2.93
Name of Convener: Dr. Janos Toth (Canada)
Title: Artificial Intelligence (AI) Augmented Image-Based Transmission Line Inspection and Condition Assessment

Posted February 15, 2024

WG number: B3/A3.67
Name of Convener: Maik Hyrenbach (DE)
Title: Operational Safety of Medium Voltage GIS in Case of Abnormal Leakage

Posted February 13, 2024

WG number: B4.102
Name of Convener: Zhiyong Yuan (CHINA)
Title: Technical Requirements and Scenario Considerations on Grid-forming Capabilities of VSC-HVDC Systems

WG number: C1.52
Name of Convener: Qixin Chen (CHINA)
Title: Virtual Power Plants: Role ad deployment in large systems’ operation and planning

Posted February 6, 2024

WG number: B2/B1.90
Name of Convener: Antonio Useros (SPAIN)
Title: Transition facilities between overhead and underground lines

Posted January 23, 2024

WG number: B1.92
Name of Convener: Massimiliano MAURI (Norway)
Title: Qualification of Lead-free Submarine Cables at UM between 72.5kV and 170 kV

WG number: C1.50
Name of Convener: Nicolas CHAMOLLET (France)
Title: Global Sustainable Energy System Coupling Electricity and Hydrogen

WG number: B3/A2/A3/C3/D1.66
Name of Convener: Akshaya PRABAKAR (Netherlands)
Title: Guidelines for Life Cycle Assessment in Substations Considering the Carbon Footprint Evaluation

Posted December 12, 2023

WG number: C1.51
Name of Convener: Jeff Palermo (USA)
Title: The Potential Roles of Energy Storage in Electric Power Systems

Posted November 27, 2023

Posted November 3, 2023

Posted October 26, 2023

Posted October 25, 2023

Posted October 23, 2023

Posted October 18, 2023

Posted October 5, 2023

Posted September 29, 2023

WG number: B4.98
Name of Convener: Afshin Pashaei (UK) 
Title: Design Considerations in Integration of DC Systems Meshed DC/AC Transmission Networks

Posted August 22, 2023

Posted August 17, 2023

WG number: B2.89
Name of Convener: Bo Zhang (China)
Title: Impact of Rain Upon the Characteristics of Corona Discharge from HV AC and DC Overhead Transmission Lines

WG number: C4.76
Name of Convener: Qing Yang (China)
Title: Overvoltage Protection in Switching Inductive Devices with Vacuum Circuit

Posted June 28, 2023

WG number: C2.44
Name of Convener: Greg Hesse (AU)
Title: Operational Strategies to Manage Power System Minimum Operating Conditions 

Posted June 23, 2023

JWG number: C4/A3/B2/B4.75
Name of Convener: Massimo Marzinotto (Italy)
Title: Guide to Procedures for the Creation of Contamination Maps Required for Outdoor Insulation Coordination

WG number: B4.96
Name of Convener: Qi Guo (China)
Title: HVDC Connection of Power System with High Proportion of Photovoltaic (PV) Generation 

Posted June 16, 2023

WG number: B4.95
Name of Convener: Joerg Dorn (Germany)
Title: Developments in Power Semiconductor Technologies and Applications in HVDC/FACTS

Posted June 2, 2023

WG number: C6.46
Name of Convener: Aradhna Pandarum (South Africa)
Title: Energy Efficiency in Distribution Systems

Posted May 4, 2023

WG number: D1.A2.80
Name of Convener: Dejan Vukovic (DE)
Title: Functional properties of non-metallic solid materials for liquid filled transformers and reactors and their compatibility

Posted April 6, 2023

WG number: A1.74
Name of Convener: Kondra NAGESH (India)
Title: Evaluating Quality of Large Electric Motors Used in Power Generation Plant

WG number: A1.75
Name of Convener: Vincent FERNAGUT (France)
Title: Large air-cooled Turbo-Generator-State of the Art, Limits and Perspectives for Small Modular Reactors

WG number: A1.76
Name of Convener: Raùl Morales GARCIA and Vincent FERNAGUT (France)
Title: Study on Eco-Design, Circular Economy and Impacts on Generator Production Process

WG number: A1.77
Name of Convener: Fernando R. SPEZIA (Brazil)
Title: Survey on Stator Insulation Reliability of Motors

WG number: D1.81
Name of Convener: Andrew BARCLAY (UK)
Title: Methods and Common Data File Format for Time-Domain Reflectometry

Posted February 21, 2023

WG number: C5.37
Name of Convener: João Carlos Mello (Brazil)
Title: Regulatory Framework on Mdernization and Extension of Useful Life of Transmission/Distribution Assets

Posted February 17, 2023

WG number: B5.82
Name of Convener: Mladen Kezunovic
Title: Education, Qualification and Continuing Professional Development of Engineers in Protection, Automation and Control

WG number: B5.83
Name of Convener: Tang Yi
Title: Protection for Modern Distribution Networks

Posted February 12, 2023

WG number: B5.81
Name of Convener: John Wright (GB)
Title: Obsolescence Management for Protection Automation and Control Systems

WG number: D1.A2.77
Name of Convener: Orlando Girlanda (SE)
Title: Improved Understanding of Dynamic Behaviour of Winding Insulating Materials in Liquid Insulated Power Transformers

Posted January 25, 2023

WG number: A3.49
Name of Convener: Roberto Tinarelli (IT)
Title: Aging effects on accuracy class of Instrument Transformers

WG number: D1.78
Name of Convener: Michael Walter (Switzerland)
Title: Partial discharge properties of non- SF6 insulating gases and gas mixtures

WG number: B2.88
Name of Convener: John McCormack (Australia)
Title: Guidelines for Safety of Overhead Line Construction, Maintenance & Operation

WG number: B1.89
Name of Convener: Bent Thomas Denis (NORWAY)
Title: Guidance for Conducting Cable Systems Failure Analysis

Posted December 12, 2022

WG number: D2.57
Name of Convener: Roman Bogomolov (Russian Federation)
Title: CIM (Common Information Model) Methodology

Posted November 28, 2022

WG number: B1.90
Name of Convener: Rachel Mosier (US)
Title: Cable Systems Electrical Characteristics (Update TB 531)

WG number: B1.91
Name of Convener: Frederic Lesur (FRANCE)
Title: Transient Thermal Modelling of Power Cables (update to IEC 60853)

Posted November 25, 2022

WG number: C4.74
Name of Convener: Haoyan Xue (China)
Title: Accurate line and cable models for steady-state and transient studies

Posted October 5, 2022

WG number: A2.68
Name of Convener: Peter Werle (DE)
Title: Failure Survey of Lower Voltage Generator Step up Transformers installed in Wind farms and Photovoltaic Parks

WG number: A2.69
Name of Convener: Claude Rajotte (CA)
Title: Guide for Transformer maintenance Update

Posted September 28, 2022

WG number: C5/C1.36
Name of Convener: Ricardo Gedra (BR)
Title: Certification of the electricity used to produce hydrogen

WG number: B4.94
Name of Convener: Arash FazelDarbandi (CANADA)
Title: Application of VSC-HVDC in a System Black Start Restoration

Posted August 17, 2022

WG number: B3.65
Name of Convener: Espen Masvik
Title: Guidelines for the Selection and Design of Escape Routes for Substations Rated Above 1kV AC and 1_5kV DC

Posted August 5, 2022

WG number: C6.45
Name of Convener: Nasser Usman
Title: The Impact of Distributed Energy Resources (DER) on the Resilience of Distribution Networks

Posted August 3, 2022

WG number: B5.78
Name of Convener: Nirmal Nair
Title: New Requirements of Network Protection and Control for Renewable Energy Integration

WG number: B5.C4.79
Name of Convener: Mukesh Nagpal
Title: Protection Roadmap for Low Inertia and Low Fault Current Networks

Posted July 29, 2022

WG number: JWG A2/D1.67
Name of Convener: Tara-lee MacARTHUR
Title: Guideline for Online Dissolved Gas Analysis Monitoring

Posted July 11, 2022

WG number: A3.48
Name of Convener: Hiroki ITO
Title: 4th CIGRE Reliability Survey on Transmission and Distribution Equipment

WG number: C2/B4.43
Name of Convener: Christer Norlander
Title: The impact of offshore wind power hybrid AC/DC connections on system operations and system design

Posted June 23, 2022

WG number: A1.68
Name of Convener: Kondra Nagesh
Title: Evaluating Quality Performance of Electric Motor Manufacturing
and Repair Facilities

WG number: A1.63
Name of Convener: Jabulani Bembe
Title: Turbo Generator Stator Winding Bushings –
Field Experience, Failures and Design Improvements.

Posted May 4, 2022

WG number: JWG B4/C4.93
Name of Convener: Dechao Kong
Title: Development of Grid Forming Converters for Secure and Reliable Operation of Future Electricity Systems

Posted April 15, 2022

WG number: JWG C4/B4.72
Name of Convener: Qingmin Li
Title: Lightning and Switching Induced Electromagnetic Compatibility (EMC) Issues in DC Power Systems and New Emerging Power Electronics-based DC Equipment

Posted April 11, 2022

WG number: B3/D2.62
Name of Convener: Nicolaie Fantana
Title: Life-long Supervision and Management of Substations by use of Sensors, Mobile Devices, Information and Communication Technologies

Posted April 6, 2022

WG number: C5.34
Name of Convener: Jessica Harrison
Title: Summary of Current Uses of Electric Vehicle Charge/Discharge Flexibility in Wholesale Energy Markets and Reliable Grid Operations

Posted March 25, 2022

WG number: B3/D1.63
Name of Convener: Roland Kurte
Title: Guideline for assessing the toxicity of used SF6 gas onsite and in the lab of T&D equipment above 1 kV in substations

WG number: B3.64
Name of Convener: Atsushi Eto
Title: Guidelines on Optimising Seismic Design of Substations for Power Resiliency

Posted March 23, 2022

JWG number: A2/D1.66
Name of Convener: Daniel Koch
Title: Breathing systems of liquid filled transformers and reactors

Posted February 17, 2022

JWG number: A2/D2.65
Name of Convener: Patrick PICHER
Title: Transformer Digital Twin – concept and future perspectives

WG number: B5.77
Name of Convener: Emilliano Casale
Title: Requirements for Information Technologies (IT) and Operational Technology (OT) managed of Protection, Automation and Control Systems (PACS)

JWG number: C5/C1.35
Name of Convener: Tongkum Piyateravong
Title: Integration of hydrogen in electricity markets and sector regulation

Posted February 16, 2022

WG number: B2.87
Name of Convener: Dr. Bálint NÉMETH
Title: Live Line and Vicinity Working on Overhead lines: Safe Management Guidelines

Posted January 26, 2022

WG number: C4.71
Name of Convener: Sachin Goyal
Title: Small Signal Stability Analysis in Inverter Based Resource Dominated Power System

Posted January 20, 2022

WG number: D2.56
Name of Convener: Qinglai Guo
Title: Interdependence and Security of Cyber-Physical Power System (CPPS)

Posted December 21, 2021

WG number: JWG B2-C1.86
Name of Convener:  Chair (B2) Viktor Lovrenčić (Slovenia), Co-chair (C1) Yury Tsimberg (Canada)
Title: Approach for Asset Management of Overhead Transmission Lines

Posted December 16, 2021

WG number: C2.42
Name of Convener: Antoine Marot
Title: The impact of the growing use of machine learning/Artificial Intelligence in the operation and control of Power Networks from an Operational perspective

Posted December 11, 2021

WG number: A3.47
Name of Convener: Ankur Maheshwari
Title: Lifetime Management of Medium Voltage Indoor Switchgear

Posted October 19, 2021

WG number: B1.82
Name of Convener: Paul Knapp
Title: MVDC Cable System Requirements

WG number: B1.87
Name of Convener: James Pilgrim
Title: Finite Element Analysis for Cable Rating Calculations

Posted October 07, 2021

WG number: C4.69
Name of Convener: Silverio Visacro
Title: Quantifying the Lightning Response of Tower-Footing Electrodes of
Overhead Transmission Lines: Methods of Measurement

WG number: C4.70
Name of Convener: Joan Montanyà
Title: Application of Space-Based Lightning Detection in Power Systems

Posted August 25, 2021

WG number: D2.55
Name of Convener: Kunlun Gao
Title: Application of 5G Technology to Smart Grids