Benefits of Individual Membership
- CIGRÉ ELECTRA Journal – Received with individual membership from the CIGRÉ Paris Office (six issues /year – February, April, June, August, October, and December) as follows. Existing individual members are requested to pay their membership dues to the U.S. National Committee by March 31 of each year to continue to receive the Journal without interruption. Membership renewal after March 31 will likely result in the interruption of the Journal’s distribution until dues are received. When the Journal distribution is resumed, back or missed issues of the Journal will not be sent. (The contents of the CIGRÉ Journals are available on the CIGRÉ On-Line Library, and paper copies of the back issues of the Journal can be purchased from the CIGRÉ Paris Office.) New individual members, regardless of the time of the year when they join, will receive the six issues of the CIGRÉ Journal for that year. We look forward to receiving and processing all individual membership forms.Both existing and new CIGRÉ individual members are requested to keep their contact address information current with the U.S. National Committee, who will forward any member’s address changes to the CIGRÉ Paris Office. The CIGRÉ Paris Office has indicated that it will not resend the ELECTRA Journal due to inaccurate addresses.
- CIGRÉ On-Line Library and Bookstore – In March 2007, the CIGRÉ Paris Office initiated a new web site — the CIGRÉ On-Line Library and Bookstore, which can be accessed Both CIGRÉ members and non-members have access to this e-cigre web site. However, significant benefits are available to CIGRÉ members who use the e-cigre web site to obtain CIGRÉ publications. For example, CIGRÉ members (using their nine-digit CIGRÉ membership number) can download the digitized CIGRÉ publications free of charge, while non-members must order paper copies of the publications against payment. For non-digitized CIGRÉ publications, both CIGRÉ members and non-members must order the publications. The good news for CIGRÉ members is that the price of the paper publications is 50% of the price for non-members. See the flyer on the CIGRÉ On-Line Library and Bookstore for additional information.Access to the references found on, including papers and proceedings of Sessions and Symposia.
- A CIGRÉ Membership Directory
- Significantly reduced registration fees for Sessions and Symposia.
- Opportunity to take part in CIGRÉ’s technical work and exchange experience.
- For the entire list of the benefits of individual membership (Type I and Type II), please see the CIGRÉ Individual Membership Brochure
Any questions on CIGRÉ individual membership should be directed to Dr. B. Don Russell, USNC Vice President – Administration, at Texas A & M University, phone 979-458-1100, or email